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  • Kate

Why Holistic Coaching?

My personal health evolution has been a major influence on all aspects of my life over the past decade. After years of being overweight, I found support through my chiropractor to rethink nutrition and exercise, losing a significant amount of weight. As my physical health improved, I began addressing other aspects of my life that needed my attention, leading to a stronger, healthier me. I now believe that true healing can only take place when approached in a multidimensional way, including other dimensions such as social, intellectual and creative pursuits.

Fast-forward 10 years and you would find me in graduate school, studying Holistic Health. In my studies, I learned more about myself and the practices that lead to my best self. At the same time, working in a religious non-profit, I observed all levels of health and dis-ease in those around me. I saw many individuals who lack understanding of healthy behavior, and its effect on work productivity and stress. Guiding colleagues towards healthy responses to work stress proved to be gratifying. I developed a personal goal of sharing my knowledge with colleagues. Creating a Wellness newsletter for employees, I consistently incorporated holistic concepts and techniques. As co-chair of an employee-driven committee focused on whole life wellness, I witnessed first-hand the high level of interest in alternative therapies.

It brings me joy to see people acheive a personal wellness goal - big or small. Sometimes, it is the simplest goal that has the biggest impact. It has proven true in my life. I left my job of 25 years, with an eye on the next chapter. That is the step that brings me here on this new adventure. I am happy to share my passion with you! Please stay tuned ...

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